Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Garden Seasons at Raccupine Farms

Travel through the seasons at Raccupine Farms by clicking on the photo above... Enjoy!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Abundance of Avocados

Have I mentioned that our 30-foot avocado tree has yielded at least 30 avocados so far this summer? All have been a little over a pound and, when they ripen, their nuttiness is a taste of heaven and they spread like butter. Nathan planted this treasure from one avocado pit in a pot when he came to live here. We have waited about eleven years for this tree to bear this much fruit.

Monday, July 26, 2010

First Post from The Levy's On The Farm

I lived on this 3/4 acre property for almost five years before Nathan captured my heart in 1996.  That's when Raccupine Farms was born... 

(Someday I'll explain where the name comes from.)